Throw Off the Bowlines

Ever wonder why people do not progress forward?  Why is it that people fail?  Why do they not take the opportunity to advance themselves?  You may know a talented individual whose creativity is admired by all except himself.  When asked why he does not try and turn his art into something more than just pictures stuffed in a drawer he can provide a million reasons as to why. “There’s no money it,” he may say.  “I’m not that good.” “I need more training.” “I don’t have time.” “There’s no demand for what I do.”  The excuses go on and on.  Ultimately, though, the reason can come down to a single thing.  It is what has plagued most of mankind for centuries. The reason? A 4-letter word known as…FEAR!  Yes, FEAR!  People are afraid of everything…fear of rejection, fear of failure, fear of success, fear of responsibility, fear of losing control, fear of man, etc.  The sum that encompasses all of it, however, can be summed up into a single fear…FEAR OF CHANGE!

People are afraid of change!  It does not matter how long someone has been whining about change.  Most people whine about change. Politicians get elected on the idea of change.  But most people will NEVER change.  Why?  Because they are afraid of it.  It’s the unknown; uncharted waters where they are concerned.  As a result, they hide that fear by disguising it from themselves through rationalization, and typically they live to regret their inaction.  Even the Bible comments on indecisiveness.  James 1:6 says, “The one who doubts is like a wave of the sea driven by the wind and blown about.”  Verse 8 then adds, “…he is an indecisive man, unsteady in all his ways.” Those verses also mention we should not even expect anything from God if we are indecisive.  Even He will not help. I once heard it said that God may not help us with a wrong decision, but He certainly can do nothing with indecision.  How true!!

So…quit sitting on the fence and making excuses!  Establish your goals, take action, learn from your mistakes, and keep moving forward! Life is meant to be lived with passion and meaning.  Make it count!

Motivational Quote of the Day –
“Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things that you didn’t do than by the ones you did do, so throw off the bowlines, sail away from safe harbor, catch the trade winds in your sails.  Explore, Dream, Discover.”  – Mark Twain

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